
ProNarco is a web-based tool that helps pharmacies maintain accurate inventory for narcotic and controlled drugs.

Sign in

Record every movement in the inventory by scanning the UPC Barcode

The products database is constantly updated

Information is stocked securly in cloud datacenters

Compatible with all wholesalers and drug-management software

Group all generics of the same product

Browse all your transactions' history rapidly

Monitor less regulated substances like benzodiazepines

Trusted by a large user-base

Prevent fraud

Offered for a competitive monthly price of 18$

User identification secured by personnal PIN

Add descriptive notes to inventory transactions

Use ProNarco from multiple computers, simultaneously

Import sales or purchases statistics automatically

Pharmacists can double-check every technicians' actions

All server communications are encrypted using the HTTPS protocol

Access your account from anywhere

Add new products to the list

Write and save your pharmacy's narcotic procedure

Optionally, monitor some Pr Drugs (Viagra, Cialis, etc.)

Save time!